@rachellrq (Rachel Lee) View this post on Instagram Been having my confinement meals taken care by @chillipadiconfinement. Really love their services. Delivery is always on time. PLUS their food is always store in insulated thermal lunchbox to ensure food is always served hot! Both lunch and dinner always comes with 2 dishes, 1 rice, a soup & a flask of red dates tea. Their food even includes fish, scallops & even soups that helps postpartum mummies to recover! Hop on to their IG for more details on how to order from them! - - - #chillipadiconfinement #chillipadicatering #confinementmeals #confinement #lunch #dinner #herbalsoup #dishes #foodporn A post shared by R A C H E L L E E (@rachellrq) on Sep 21, 2018 at 11:42pm PDT Share Share on Facebook